Subject: PETS: Happier Healthier Animals Author: Linne Bailey & Hester B. Golden Uploaded By: ANOTHER CO Date: 2/20/1996 File: HHA.EXE (352607 bytes) Estimated Download Time (33221 baud): < 2 minutes Download Count: 1771 Equipment: VGA Graphics required, Mouse and Sound Card optional Keywords: Bailey, Golden, Animal, Pet, Care, Cat, Dog, Horse, Text, Multimedia Type: Shareware Version: 09/25/94 Happier, Healthier Animals is a colorful multimedia presentation which gives you fascinating facts, true stories, and lots of animal care and health tips. Find out the average life span of most animals. Read interesting tips on selecting a pet, dealing with behavior problems, and more. Includes a section on video and book sources for more information. This file is of particular interest to cat, dog and horse owners. Very easy to use. Includes cute drawings plus some sounds as well as photos. To run, enter: START Documentation: Within the program Downloads for previous versions: 220